First job..

Hey everybody!!

Today, I wanna tell you about my first job.

It was sooo coooool!! I had such a good time and even found a new friend!! Her name is Brenda and she is the lead in the commercial that we did together.. I was like the supporting act 🙂 But I did have a line and was not just there to look pretty.. Hahahahaha.

As it turns out, Brenda goes to the same school as I do, so we really connected. That was really nice because I was a bit (a lot… hehehe) nervous for that first job.

I woke up that day with butterflies in my tummy and on the way there I felt like I had to do a school exam or something. Luckily everyone was very nice to me because they knew it was my first time so I think they where extra patient with me.  Pfiew!!

The shoot took very long.. The whole day actually. We had to do a couple of scenes and they had to re-arrange the camera and the lights and all that stuff. So it was more like a waiting game than an acting game.. 🙂  But Brenda told me that it’s always like that so I just went with it. ( thanks Brenda )

In the end it was all done and the crew was happy with how we did it!! So from now on I can call myself an actress.. hahahah. First job well done!!

Here you can see a clip from the set:

Okey.. talk to all of you soon!!!